Brag — CAE Exam Tips

Letters from Happy Students

This page is where I copy and paste the emails I get from students who take the time to write in and say thanks for all my hard work. Actually I made this website because I want to be a BILLIONAIRE but getting an email is nice, too!

Seriously though, people don't trust things they read on the internet so if you find this website was useful, please write and let me know. Those emails have two uses.

  1. It makes me happy. I normally read them aloud to my girlfriend and she rolls her eyes at how smug I am.
  2. It might convince someone who finds this website that the tips are useful and they should pay attention.

If you don't have the energy to write in, but would like to support this website, it would be helpful if you shared the Facebook or Youtube links with your friends or placed a link on your website:

Now, on with the praise:

“Subject: THANK YOU!

Message: Hello from Russia! I do believe in coincidences, so, it’s just a miracle that I found your site! I loved it! I loved it so much. Starting from the design of the site, ending with the style you chose to write your tips with, it’s so amazingly interesting to read all of them! Sometimes reading them even makes you laugh, isn’t that great? The most important, of course, is the content of the site. The info is extremely useful, to the point, and what’s really important: it’s easy to read, it’s like you are talking to your good friend or your favourite teacher! These are the real tips and not just basic information about how to do this or that part of the exam. So, thank you so much for what you do! It’s unbelieveably pleasant to use your site when preparing for the CAE!”

— P.P., Russia

Subject: feedback on your website

Message: As a teacher, I just want to say that your website is by far the best website I have seen to date. Well done!!!!


“I’m a student from Romania and I’m going to take the CAE exam tomorrow. My aim is to get an A and I have trained quite a lot for this. However, I am more of a science person and I find it hard to learn for a humanistic exam such as this. My teacher helped me, but since I have found the tips on and the YouTube channel I can definitely say that I feel prepared. Thanks for the good work and keep it up!”

— R.G., Romania

“I have really good news! I passed the exam! Once again thank you very much for your advice on your website! 
I had many things to study during this period and CAE was one of the most difficult for me... But I got it! I am so happy now!”

— A. P., Czech Republic

Subject: Thank you for your help!

Message: Hi! I've just found out I got an A in my CAE exam and wanted to thank you very much for all the helpful tips. I found this website only two days before the exam, but I was able to get a better understanding of the Speaking Test requirements thanks to the videos you made. I also used the order you recommended for the Reading and Use of English sections, which really saved me a lot of time. So thank you again and know that your website is making a big difference.

A.B., Romania

“Subject: Feedback

Message: Hi! I passed my exam this month and I want to let you know that your website has helped me immensely!!!! :) In fact it gave me much more than quite expensive preparation course :D I recommend it to everyone who asks me about it.
I just felt that I should thank you.... :)”

— C.S., Czech Republic

Subject: Thank you...

Message: Dear Andrew
I just got the result today that I passed my CPE exam! :-) So I want to thank you for having this wonderful website!! I spent lots of time on this site in the last few weeks and I'm attributing a big part of my success to you. So cheers and keep up the good work!
M.I., Zurich

(Yes she means CPE - I checked. Andrew)

“This summer I passed CAE and got 171 ...It made me upset and I decided to retake it on the 16 of January....So, it is 1 AM in Ukraine and I am watching your tips and finding them very useful and interesting. It is a huge advantage that you demonstrate the procedure of the tasks. Frankly speaking, I watched only the part related to Reading and Use of English because I got the worst mark there.... but I hope to continue watching your tips....)))”

— I.Z., Russia

“Message: I got my CAE exam results just a few days ago; I passed! I couldn’t be happier! What’s more, I scored an A on the reading part thanks to Your advise on time management.
Tank you! I will keep on recommending this website to those I know who will try to take the CAE exam.”

— E.L., Sweden

“Subject: thanks

Message: Thank you very much for having the opportunity to read your webside, is great and it is very well done!! 10 points!!”

— R.C.A., Spain

“Subject: Thank-you note

Message: Hello, I am a student from Czech Republic and I would like to thank you very much for the ‘caeexamtips’ website you have created. I took the CAE exam few days ago and, despite the fact that I do not know the results yet, I must say that your recommendations and pieces of advice had helped me significantly whether in the speaking or in the reading part. 
Thank you once again :)”

— J.Z., Czech Republic

“I loved the website! It includes every answer to those stupid questions we all make in our head and we dont know where to seek for the answer. 

This webpage was just what I needed!”

— A.L., Italy

Subject: CAE Listening Tips

Message: Thank you so much for your work, which I find extremely helpful.

I am an English teacher preparing a student for the CAE test, and I couldn't remember how to tackle Listening paper 4. I find ALL of your tips absolutely GORGEOUS. Thank you again for such an extensive, interesting and rewarding piece of work.


“Message: Thank you so much for all these tips! Although I only found out the website some weeks before the test, it was very helpful. I just wanted to register my gratitude for all your work. I am studying to be a teacher my self and I hope some day I’ll be as good as you guys are. There is something about the way you explain that makes me feel more confident and less anxious. Thank you very much!”

— M.C., Italy

“Subject: Great website!

Message: Wow, what an attractive and useful website! I shall be directing my students here, for sure. I teach all Cambridge levels right up to CPE, and my students often complain that they have no resources to use at home to study for the speaking test: how nice to find something so useful and succinct to prove them all wrong!”

— H.I., Brazil

Subject: thanks

Message: Thank you very much for having the opportunity to read your website, is great and it is very well done!! 10 points!!


“I’ve recently taken over a student who is taking an Advanced exam this Saturday. This morning he was telling me about a great site that had helped him a lot with tips and strategies. I checked the site and found out you are the person behind it! 

I just wanted to say what in impressive piece of work this site is - well done!”

— P.S., Czech Republic

“Tomorrow I am going to take an exam based on the same criteria as CAE. I have read through your pieces of advice and it was really useful! 
My results of the mock tests are now much better.”

— P.A., Poland

“Hello, Andrew, I just stopped by to say you are doing a great job with this website, it will definitely help me and I’m sure it will help others too. Thank you!”

— M.D., Bulgaria

Subject: CAE EXAM

Message: Dear Andrew, you have been my best friend for the last months (lucky me!). I followed all your tips and passed my CAE exam!
Thank you very much for your great job.

L.A., Italy

And dozens more!

